Knowledge is Power
and the Consumer is King
We'll design the perfect health plan to assist you in reforming your own healthcare
Defined Benefits Health Plan Features
You Choose Calendar Year Coverage
You Choose Benefit Level
You Choose Your Hospital Deductible
No Deductible, Copay, or Coinsurance on any Outpatient Benefits
No Deductible, Copay, Coinsurance on all Outpatient Benefits
Guaranteed Renewal to Age 65 -No need to shop every year
Flexible Hospital Inpatient Deductibles to match budget: $0 – $10K
Annual Premium Increases typically 3% or less
Available for Individuals and Groups
Consumer Driven Health Plan Benefits
Benefits featured are based on 2 units of HCP Gold and are available with select plans.

Doctor Visits & RX Benefits - NO copays, deductibles, coinsurance!
Go to any Dr. or Hospital you choose
Pays $160 for (20) visits per Insured annually
Pays $200 for (2) Specialists visits annually
Pays $30 for generic and $60 for name brand RXs

Preventative Benefits - NO copays, deductibles, coinsurance!
Benefit starts 60 days after policy Effective Date
Pays $250 for Mammograms per calendar year & $500 for a Colonoscopy
Pays Additional $250 for other Preventative Services per calendar year
Optional 100% coverage (recommended for childbearing aged women and children needing wellness visit).

Surgery Benefit - NO copay, deductibles, coinsurance!
Outpatient & Inpatient Surgeries
Pays Outpatient surgical facility $3,500 under general anesthesia or $1,500 local anesthesia
Pays 3x Medicare basis toward surgeons, asst. surgeons, and anesthesiologist

Hospital Inpatient Benefit - Per 24 Hours
Hospital per day benefit of $4,500 to $6,750 per day for standard room
Hospital ICU benefit up to $6,750 to $7,500 per day
Optional First Hospital Admission $6,350 Lump Sum

Accident & Emergency Benefit - NO copay, deductibles, coinsurance!
Pays $400 for Urgent Care and $800 for ER Care 2x per year
Pays up to $4K of Actual Expenses for up to 45 days from the Accident date
Ambulance air or ground pays up to $10K with accident coverage

Catastrophic Benefits
Lump Sum Paid upon diagnosis up to $30K per Adult and $10K per child. Ask us for list of covered diseases
Pays up to $500K additional per calendar year. Ask us for list of covered diseased and events.